Beeson Family 2008 Holiday Blog
Anakin (Addie) Skywalker
Addie is our loving, mellow, even-tempered child – but she has her moments. When Elyse gets her upset, WATCH OUT! Following a summer of watching all the Stars Wars movies this summer, Elyse enjoys getting Addie even more upset by calling her Darth Addie, Anakin, or Addakin (and then Addie REALLY gets upset!).
Contemplating the Force
“Do you think Padme knows that Anakin eventually turned back to the good side?” Addie loves Star Wars and constantly contemplates the power of the force, why Obi-Wan Kenobi let himself be struck down by Darth Vader, and other deep thoughts about the series. She likes the movies so much that she often hums the music. Did you know that there’s a different melody the evil empire – Addie can hum it for you. She even dressed as Padme Amidala for Halloween. Drop by – we’ll be watching the entire series again this holiday break.
Confidence in her Talents
Addie likes to dance and enjoys gymnastics but she LOVES art class. When her school teacher asked her to write down what she thought she was good at, Addie instead of writing one or two things gave her a laundry list of thing. Hallelujah! We pray she remains this self-confident as she grows. Among her talents are new solid bike riding skills, scooter expertise, and love of reading.
Who Needs ‘Em
After a pattern of frequent sinus infections, Elyse’s doctors suggested the removal of her Adenoids. It worked great. No longer does she have lingering coughs, colds, ear infections, etc. We just hope that we don’t have to watch our daughter undergo any type of surgical procedure again, and experience the panic that can accompany children coming out of anesthesia.
Eager for Kindergarten
Lysie is in her last year of preschool and loves having her own set of friends and teachers. As luck would have it, her new friend at preschool lives right around the corner. We can actually see her yard from ours. This thrills Lysie to no end. She constantly bombards mommy with questions scheduling a play date with Campbell. Kindergarten can’t come soon enough. She rides her bike with Mommy and Addie to school. And after dropping Addie off at her class, she makes a daily trip to Addie’s old Kindergarten teacher to give her a hug.
Our Goofy Girl
If Lysie wasn’t so obedient in class, she’d definitely be the class clown. In fact, her favorite thing to do is anything that will make her sister laugh – and not just chuckle, but she’s not satisfied until Addie is belly laughing uncontrollably. When I tell Lysie something like ‘we’re going out for dinner’ she’ll respond, “Really? For real? In real life”, questioning whether or not I’m pulling her leg. And over the last week or so, she’s been telling us that she has a present for us, then RUNNING and lunging her arms around us and give us a big hug.
Run Forrest Run
From the blog entries below, you can see what Mylie has been up to. If spinning classes weren’t enough, or step class, or treadmills – Mylie now trains for 5k runs and does personal weight training. She’s improving almost weekly. The only question remains is – what intensive workout activity will be next?
Golden Vacations
We visited California several times this year and were reminded why 35 million people make it their home. We spent a great week in SoCal doing, what else… going to Disneyland and the beach. We had a great time NorCal in July as well, giving the kids time to get to know their aunts, uncles and cousins much better.
Attitude of Gratitude
In spite of horrendous economic woes that the country is enduring, we continue to be blessed beyond measure with health, happiness, family, and friends.
Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah
We invite you to return to our blog, and comment on our stories and pictures.
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
5 months ago